An Open Repository of Self-Assessment Resources for a Larger and More Inclusive Control Community


Adriano Fagiolini (University of Pisa, Italy)

IFAC Sponsoring Body

IFAC Technical Committee 9.4 - Education



This project aims at publishing a large collection of exercises with the associated (verified) detailed solutions. This publication will be made freely available to the community. Each item of the collection will be labelled using a standardized nomenclature to simplify search operations. In order to contribute to the progress of control disciplines in peripheral areas of the world, the money of this grant, if awarded, will be entirely devoted to fund a scholarship for an early-stage researcher (to be identified) from University of South Pacific willing to train as a control and system theory teacher. The development of the “exercises & solutions’ publication under the supervision of the project team members will be the main activity of this researcher’s work during the scholarship. We believe this activity will allow the researcher to refine her/his knowledge in control and system theory. Beside this activity, the team members will provide the researcher with formal training on various aspects of teaching control and system theory subjects, as well as general coaching on teaching methods and resources.