EECI International Graduate School on Control IGSC 2023

Activity Organizers

Elena PANTELEY / Antoine GIRARD (Laboratory of Signals and Systems, CNRS, University Paris Saclay, Centrale Supélec, France)

IFAC Sponsor: TC 9.4


The European Embedded Control Institute (EECI), was founded in 2006 in the framework of the HYCON Network of Excellence (FP6-IST-511368). It is an independent "lightweight" non-profitable association (under the French Association Law 1901) with its headquarters in the campus of CentraleSupélec, Paris-Saclay University.

The main activity of the EECI is the yearly organization of the International Graduate School on Control (IGSC), which consists of a series of independent modules on various topics in automatic control, one 21-hours module per week during the spring semester. These modules are eligible for 2nd-year master and doctoral degree credits. Completion of a module gives the equivalence of 3 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System). The IGSC has been technically co-sponsored by IFAC, since 2017 and by IEEE CSS, since 2019. Some courses are taught in the EECI headquarters at CentraleSupélec, and others are taught in Europe or elsewhere. The complete list of previous locations of the IGSC courses can be found at

IGSC invites the best experts to teach recognized top current subjects in automatic control and related areas in renowned universities and institutes worldwide. A new program is proposed each year. The description of all modules with the summaries of the courses are available on the website The teachers receive a net salary of 100€ /h; travel expenses and six nights in the hotel are covered.

The aim of the IGSC is to complete the training of students from around the world in the multidisciplinary field of Systems & Control. EECI offers a complementary and essential education for PhD students, post-docs, young (or less young) researchers, and engineers. IGSC now brings about 400 PhD students each year from all over the world. In addition to the training aspect, students, mostly PhD students, have the possibility to establish collaborations with local research teams and with the visiting professor during their stay of one or more weeks.


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