Empowering Tomorrow's Innovators: Unleashing the Potential of Girls in Control Engineering in South Africa

Three control face-to-face workshops have been conducted since 2022 in the Zululand region for 138 girls from three primary schools aged 9 to 15 years. This project will support additional workshops for girls, in Zululand and other parts of the country.


Prof Syamala Krishnannair, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Zululand, South Africa

Sponsoring IFAC Body:

The South African Council for Automation and Control


The ‘Girls in Control’ workshops aim to foster a passion for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) among girls aged 9 to 13 years. This critical developmental stage is pivotal for shaping future career aspirations and interests. The workshops seek to break down gender stereotypes, empower young girls, and equip them with fundamental STEM skills through engaging hands-on activities.

The workshops' core objectives are to introduce participants to captivating STEM concepts, nurture their creativity, and encourage collaborative problem-solving. Through interactive presentations, hands-on experiments, and mentorship from accomplished women in STEM fields, the workshops aim to inspire confidence and curiosity in young girls. By providing relatable role models and showcasing the practical applications of STEM, the workshops hope to ignite the spark of exploration and instill a sense of accomplishment.

Control engineers continue to be in high demand in SA, with global trends of accelerated automation driving a corresponding increase in the demand for control engineers. The discipline of Control Engineering combines Electrical, Computer, and Mechanical Engineering skills in SET education. Therefore, this project in Control will be of interest to organizations affiliated with the above disciplines. Other than the promotion of a career in Automation and Control, this project indirectly attracts more female learners in SET-related disciplines. This will eventually address the shortage of female professionals in SET careers. The target groups for this project are  9-to-15-year-old girls in rural and urban schools in South Africa. This project can further develop the model for exposing rural learners to SET.

Three control face-to-face workshops have been conducted since 2022 in Zululand region for 138 girls from three primary schools aged 9 to 15 years. Plans for more workshops will be conducted annually in Zululand and other parts of the country from 2024.

The project will use the facility available at UNIZULU Science Center. UNIZULU Science Centre has been acclaimed locally, nationally, and internationally, winning numerous awards in the field of Science Education. 

Key components of the workshops include live demonstrations of scientific principles and interactive coding sessions. Participants learn to build simple models and engage in coding exercises, thereby experiencing the thrill of discovery firsthand. Inclusive by design, the workshops encourage a diverse audience, promoting cooperation and teamwork among girls.

In short the "Girls in Control" workshops , as a community engagement activity, focus on empowering young girls by providing an immersive and exciting introduction to STEM fields. By promoting hands-on learning, female role models, and interactive activities, the workshop seeks to cultivate a new generation of confident, capable, and curious young women who are poised to thrive in a world driven by science and technology.

Through continuous feedback and reflection, the workshops aim to evolve, improving their effectiveness and resonance with participants. Post-workshop follow-up activities and clubs will be offered to keep the flame of enthusiasm burning, further encouraging participants to embrace STEM as a lifelong adventure.